Pauls Elective

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Long time no blog .....

I have had severe lack of computer time, for that I am not sorry as I have been flying around the southern hemisphere doing and seeing some great things.

First of all, I should say that Lesley arrived in Cairns on 15th July safe and sound. After 30+ hours of flying she looked and smelled worse for wear, but love is blind and I have no sense of smell!
We headed to the Calypso Inn (a backpackers with the basics) for some R&R then went out in Cairns for a look around and a burger!
Cairns is a pleasant holiday town with a public salt swimming pool that is apparently used in the summer months when the ocean is not safe to swim in (stingers!)
As we ate, I endulged myself with my new favourite tipple …. Carlton Draught! (Victorian Beer from Melbourne)

More to come …...............


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