Pauls Elective

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

3 days left

Its Tuesday night now as i sit alone in the VIFM mortuary writing in this blog. I can't believe how quick the time has flown by! I have alot to do before i leave, which includes giving a presentation to alot of people who know alot about something i know not alot about ...... (make sense??)

Then I'm off to Cairns to meet a very Jet lagged girlfriend (Les, i'll be the one standing in the pink bunny rabbit suite holding a parsnip), then we are off to Cape Tribulation and Cooktown to be bitten by snakes, spiders and mosquitoes, before becoming supper for my favourite friends, the saltwater crocs.

Oh and if another person asks me if i am from Ireland, I am going to beat them with a large endangered bandicoot!


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