Pauls Elective

Monday, July 03, 2006

Wet weekend and going round the twist

Who remembers a childrens TV show called 'Round the Twist'?? - about a lighthouse and some strange goings on? Well, during my trip down the Great Ocean Road, I stumbled upon the actual lighthouse! It was something i wasn't expecting at all. After i got out of the bus i hummed the themetune all the way down the road until i got there.

On my way down the road i saw a bird fly into a canopy above my head. It was about the same size as a blackbird and i initially mistook it for that. On closer inspection, i realised it was a cockatoo!! on closer insepction of the canopy i realised there were loads of them! initially i though someones pets had escaped, but after asking a local, i was told they are native here. I was well stoked as the cockatoo is one of my favourite birds, and i have only every seen them in pet shops. Seeing them in their natural habitat with all their mates brought it home to me that it is real cruel to keep an healthy animal like that caged up.

Further down the road we stopped and saw some amazing coloured Rosellas and parakeets flying wild and doing there thing. It was pretty fantastic and made a great change from Geordie and his pidgeons!


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