Pauls Elective

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday 21st June

Been real busy at the institute, so not had much time to sight-see. Did a decomposed autopsy the other day, which was nice ........

Melbourne is a paradox for me, in that it is so like home and yet, so different.

For example,
They do
- speak English (just about!)however, i have noticed all English immigrants now have developed an Ozzie twang (even i am starting to use phrases like "he's gone walkabout" and "no worries" )
- drive on the same side of the road as us
- have messed up keyboards (i keep typing @ instead of ")
- have rather racist undertones (something that reminds me of the uk maybe 10 years ago)- despite such a multicultural environment
- have trams
- have lots of 'trendy' bars .......... yawn

They don't- have multipacks of small bags of crisps, just huge single bags
- serve pints (although everytime i go into a bar i ask for .... 'a pint' duurh!) - instead they have 'pots' (bigger than a 1/2 just) or 'schooners' (smaller than a pint)
- say "excuse me" when they want to be past you or "goodbye" when they put down the phone
- have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) everyone seems pretty happy and content
- have much water (they have a HUGE water conservation program)
- have many pubs

There are lots more ....

Been out most nights trying to find friends in local watering holes, i particularly like a certain Rock bar called 'Cherry' situated on AC/DC lane (i tell the truth!) and the Irish bars serve a mean pint of Guinness (albeit expensive! - $7 - 8). I have found a place close by that sells pots for $2.50 (about pound a pint)

Right thats enough talk of alcohol, makes me sound like i'm turning into an alcoholic .....

..... m'off down to bar for a schooner, will write later!



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